
We need your support to keep this project going

As an award-winning journalist, feminist and violence survivor, I am using my talents, skills and professional experience to create and maintain this publicly accessible journalism-based story-driven Memorial to Women and Children Lost to Violence.

The Memorial highlights the impact of violence on our community while giving Australians a permanent online space to commemorate those who deserved to live long and happy lives but were never given the chance.

It is dedicated to victims of murder, manslaughter, neglect or other abuses, regardless of the perpetrator’s gender or the relationship between the victim and the person who ended their life.

I have spent more than five years working on this project and will continue to do so for years to come.

The project is not sponsored by the government or business and it relies solely on my own financial contributions and the generosity of my friends and supporters.

 By contributing to the Memorial, you will help support the ongoing website development and maintenance, help cover the $150 a month hosting fee and help me continue to do the research and writing needed to keep the Memorial up to date and relevant.

Please take the time to consider supporting this project – it may help turn the tide on violence against women and children in Australia.


– Sherele Moody

*Financial contributions are not tax-deductible as this project is not operated by a registered charitable organisation.



Sherele Moody - Twitter: @sherelemoody
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Digital Nomads HQ -


Katherine Benson, Liesl Wharton, Michelle Ekin, Vicky Burn, Trisha McFadyen 


If you wish to contact The RED HEART Campaign about this project, please email journalist Sherele Moody at

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